Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A day with Rylan and Cohen

Rylan's days and nights quite often get confused as with many visual impaired children.  My son will often tell us that Rylan had been up partying all night.  Which means he has gotten out of his bed and bum scooted all over his room creating havoc for the morning.  Sometimes he has pulled everything out of his closet and other times pulled out every piece of furniture that his little body can.  Ryan and Alica had to take out most of his things because they were afraid he was going to hurt himself.  He actually did pull the book shelf down.
Rylan`s Mom and Dad both start work very early and so his first Caregiver arrives at 5:15 am to take the early shift and  by then Rylan has had his first Medication of the day.  Auntie Cath as she calls herself waits till Mom and Dad have left and then she will sneak upstairs to see if Rylan is awake or sleeping.  If he is awake she will tuck him in with his favorite blanket and then whisper, too early yet Rylan have a little nap.  Sometimes it works and sometime he will loudly say NO! UP!  On those days he will be up and want a snack.  Usually fruit.  Then  it's cuddle time.  Breakfast is always Oatmeal and applesauce.  Yogurt and sometimes if he's really hungry there will be more fruit.  Bath and more kids TV shows round out his morning.
It's now Rylans favorite time of day.  It's almost Nine and Auntie Angela and Cohen will be here soon.  Auntie Angela is Rylan's caregiver from 9:00 till Mommy gets home at 3:00.  The dogs will start barking and Rylan will starting clapping and smiling because Cohen will be coming through the door any second.  He loves his Cousin Cohen who just turned one.  On many levels they are the same age with all Rylan's developmental delays.  No matter there is fun to be had.  Auntie will come through the door and he will hear Cohen's little footsteps.  A day with his cousin means absolute acceptance. because Cohen loves Rylan as he is.  Cohen will push and tug and pull on Rylan and he will laugh big belly laughs.  Auntie will have Dance parties in the kitchen holding on to Rylan because although he can stand he can not walk without someone holding him.  There will be tickling and rough housing and all the things that a little boy needs.  Cohen has changed Rylan in as he has taught him how to play and how to be with another child.  There is lunch and sometimes they go to the park.  Before Cohen Rylan didn't like the park.  The sound of the other children scared him.  At Cohen's birthday although he couldn't really take part he laughed and clapped his hands with excitement and he really enjoyed himself.  Soon it will be 3 and Auntie and Cohen will be leaving but it will start all over again in the morning because Auntie will be back and Cohen will be back to love his cousin and just be with him.   


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