I have made the last installment on Rylan's Stem Cell therapy. It was exciting and scary all at the same time. Exciting because we have managed to raise the Stem Cell treatment money with all of your help and Scary because Alicia and I are not good fliers and it is a 16 hours flight. Scary because at the end of the day we have hopes of how the Stem Cells will help Rylan, but we also know that there is a possibility that it won't give him the sight we pray for.
We still need to raise a little more money. We are still doing the ongoing bottle drive and although when we take bottles in we might only get $20 it all adds up. Rylan is still getting the odd donation which really helps. A big Thank you to Rylan's Great Auntie Andrea and Uncle Angelo, for the very generous donation.
Rylan is doing really well with his seizures. He is still having the odd one but Ryan & Alicia seem to handle it quite well. It's amazing how far he has come in the last year. He is standing more, talking more, eating more pureed foods and he is even telling us sometimes about needing the potty. His use of his walker is fantastic. He still loves it.
Last Saturday Rylan was the ring bearer at his Auntie Angela and Uncle Brandon's wedding. He walked with his Mom Alicia using his little walker. When they came over the grass there were lots of tears shed. He and Cohen looked Adorable in their little suits. All of us were so proud of him. He had the biggest smile on his face. I think he knew he made a big entrance. It seemed to make the wedding just a little more special.
Come September when Rylan starts school I expect we will see even more changes, as he gets his first real independence away from his very protective family. I think the other children will really help him with his speech. I hope that he makes some really good friends there.
Today when I talked to Angela she said that Judy and the boys were going to the Water Park. I think Rylan will really love this as he loves to play in the sprinkler. Rylan is getting so much move adventuresome. Can't wait to see how the Stem Cells will help him.
We hope everyone is having a great summer. Thank you all for all you have done for Rylan. Please keep him in your thoughts and Prayers.